Encino Special Needs Lawyer: 3 Things You Need to Know About Special Needs Trusts

When you have a loved one with special needs, you want to make sure that they’re taken care of in every instance – especially after you’ve passed away or if you can no longer care for them by yourself. That’s why creating a special needs trust is so important when it comes to keeping a continuity of care and making sure your loved one can receive all the benefits available to them from state and local agencies. Here are three things you need to know about special needs trusts and how they’ll help provide for your loved one with special needs.

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When a Trust Isn’t an Option: Planning for Your Loved One with Special Needs

Special needs trusts are great tools for families that want to protect assets and give their loved one with special needs an enhanced quality of life. The truth is, however, that special needs trusts are not always the best solution. This is due to factors based on the family’s individual situation, the costs involved with a special needs trust, and the duties and responsibilities of the trustee. In cases where a special needs trust will not fit your family’s situation, there are alternatives that can still achieve your goals for special needs planning.

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