Los Angeles County Special Needs Lawyer: Protecting Benefits with a Special Needs Trust

Many people have questions about whether they can still receive government benefits after coming into an inheritance. The simple answer is yes, but there is a significant amount of planning that must occur to protect both the benefits and the inheritance, which usually involves the creation of a special needs trust. While inheritances placed in a special needs trust are often protected, the protection of benefits depends on the type of benefits are being received.

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Irrevocable Trusts: Everything You Need to Know

Irrevocable Trusts make up the backbone of most solid asset protection planning strategies. These trusts can help protect property and financial assets if you should end up in a nursing home, and depending on your individual situation, can also help by saving you a significant amount of money. Here is everything you should know if you’re considering an Irrevocable Trust as part of your asset protection strategy:

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4 Types of Property to Put in a Revocable Living Trust

To many, the best reason to create a Revocable Living Trust is to avoid probate and put a quick end to the estate administration process. However, a trust needs to be funded for it to have any real effect on the probate and estate administration process. Here are four types of property that are commonly used to fund a Revocable Living Trust.

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Should You Worry About Avoiding California Probate?

Avoiding probate in California is one of the main benefits of estate planning and asset protection planning. But what exactly does it mean to avoid probate, and is it something you should be concerned about? The main reason many people want to avoid California probate is because the process is long, public, and costly. In fact, the probate process could tie your loved ones up in the legal system for months or even years.

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