Encino Elder Lawyer: Which Power of Attorney is Right for Me?

A Power of Attorney is a document which names an agent to handle your financial affairs if you are incapacitated or otherwise unable to, while also explaining any limitations you wish to place on your agent while they act in your stead. There are many Power of Attorney types to choose from, so it’s important to know which one best meets your goals. To determine this, you must decide on what you’d like your POA to accomplish.  Some reasons you’d name an agent for your financial affairs include:

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Encino Estate Attorney: What You Need to Know About Guardianship Laws in California

Guardianship cases involving minor children can be complicated and expensive, especially if you do not have proper help or advice. Each guardianship case goes through the court system, but the process can be made smoother with proper planning. Below is the information you need to know about guardianship laws in California.

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The Four Types of Real Estate Deeds You Should Know About

During the estate planning process, real estate properties can be sold, given to family, or put into trusts depending on the situation and goals of the planners. Depending on what course of action needs to be taken, a different deed is required. Here are the four most common real estate deeds you should know about when beginning the estate planning process:

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Los Angeles County Special Needs Lawyer: Protecting Benefits with a Special Needs Trust

Many people have questions about whether they can still receive government benefits after coming into an inheritance. The simple answer is yes, but there is a significant amount of planning that must occur to protect both the benefits and the inheritance, which usually involves the creation of a special needs trust. While inheritances placed in a special needs trust are often protected, the protection of benefits depends on the type of benefits are being received.

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