When a Trust Isn’t an Option: Planning for Your Loved One with Special Needs

Special needs trusts are great tools for families that want to protect assets and give their loved one with special needs an enhanced quality of life. The truth is, however, that special needs trusts are not always the best solution. This is due to factors based on the family’s individual situation, the costs involved with a special needs trust, and the duties and responsibilities of the trustee. In cases where a special needs trust will not fit your family’s situation, there are alternatives that can still achieve your goals for special needs planning.

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Encino Special Needs Lawyer: Financial Guardianship and the Autistic Adult

Autism is a spectrum, and everyone who falls on that spectrum is unique. Some will grow to be adults who can generally function in the world, make decisions on their own behalf, and effectively communicate them. Others cannot. However, all adults who reach the age of majority become independent in the eyes of the law and are presumed able to make their own decisions. Yet, some autistic adults may never be able to make some or all of the important decisions an adult has to make.

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